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The weekend is upon us....

Memorial Day is, it seems really early this year doesnt it?!! I ended up having to work a little before we head out for the long Holiday weekend..but I wanted to quickly give you some ideas of what you could stash in your overnight bag.


I always carry a hat...Target right now has these cool panama hats. They are cheap, fashionably adorable and a must have for the kick off to summer.


Sunscreen. Neutrogena clear face. I have really freckly skin, so I have to wear some sort of SPF everyday. I stumbled randomly upon this sunscreen at Target too. I love it. I usually wear Cetaphil with an SPF for everyday but when I am out alot and exposed more to the sun, I have been wearing this. It's easy to apply, no greasy and will not break you out.


A good book. "It Starts with Food" by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. You have to have a good book for the drive, right? Well, as you saw in my post Wednesday, I am still reading their other book, The Whole 30. I also happened to pick up their first book, "It starts with food." I am really excited to get into this while the kids are in the pool this weekend.


A good bottle of wine. The Four Graces. I am a little spoiled in this department. I am addicted lately to white wine. Four Graces has a Pinot Gris that is to die for. A must have for summer nights. I am so excited to enjoy it this weekend on our trip to Brasada Ranch.


Some good snacks. Food Should Taste Good Chips. I have a hard time finding a chip I like. I use to be a huge Dorrito fan but now that I am approaching 40, you just can't eat those suckers!! Ifound at Costco, suprise, suprise...these amazing, gluten free, flax seed chips. I put a whole bunch in little snack size baggies and they will be so great for the trip. A must have for the afternoon munchies. Gluten free and Non GMO.


I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Holiday Weekend. It's exciting knowing that the summer is approaching. I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend and spending some good quality time with my family and my friends. I hope you all do the same. Happy Memorial Day everyone. Talk to you next week.


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