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The Whole 30


As I find myself approaching 40, I am having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I have learned lately how to program my coffee maker and that is the main reason I can now stumble down to the kitchen...the smell of coffee... I guess also having a puppy will get you up too, if I don't get up, she pees right next to me. That is seriously pathetic though? In my 20's I would pop right up at 5 am, get moving and be on the road by 6:30. Now, I find myself literally dragging. I know it is my body telling my something...but what is it trying to tell me?!!

I stumbled upon this book about a month ago at Costco- The Whole 30. I thought, is this another one of those fad recipe books? Then I started reading it in the store...It really rang true to me. As I am getting older, the reason I am having trouble getting going in the morning is because I am eating the wrong foods. I am sure it has something to do with my age and the fact that I work out in a different way then I did in my early 30's but that's not a good enough excuse. I of all people don't need to loose any weight. I want to make that really clear. I am not doing this to loose weight. I am doing this to feel better, have more energy, I want to relearn how I see food, how I cook food and a shift of life.

After reading the first paragraph, I was hooked..." It is not hard, don't you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard, Beating breast cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not Hard." Well, I beg to differ on the black coffee but I agree- I can do this. If I, the 3 cup-a-day coffee drinker with more half and half in the mug than coffee, can do this, you can do this. How hard could it be? I am sure I have done way harder things and shoot, it's only a month! What I love is how they say in the first page that it's not a diet, it's not a quick fix, The Whole 30 is designed to change your life..well, good 'cause as 40 is approaching, something has to give.

There are rules though ...that is where they sorta lost me for a minute.

The No's

-No Alcohol...serioulsy, no Corona or margarita's? It's the beginning of summer...those are my staples.

-No, no half and half in my coffee? Ugh

-No sugar...are you kidding me, no sweedish fish at 10pm? No sugar in my coffee?

-No Grains? well, that is going to be the easiest one for me.

The Yes's

-Meat and Seafood- ok, that'll be easy. Summer is full of BBQ'n

-Eggs- that is easy

-Vegi's and Fruit- those are a huge part of my summer

-Fats (natural)- oh well

All those seem a little bit hard to stick to. What I love is that if you stick to this they promise you results...You will feel better.

They actually say it's for your own good and it's what us parents consider Tough Love (it's like when you are training your child to sleep thru the nite).

They say this out of Love:

-It is not hard, it's only 30 days, they have proven there is much harder things to do than this

-Don't even consider the possibility of a slip- don't give yourself an excuse before you have even started

-You never, ever have to eat anything you don't want to eat. That's my favorite one

-This does require a little bit of effort. Duh, anything good usually does.

The recipe's alone in the back make you want to do it.

You can do this

Come on, we can do this. I committed to starting this June 1st...I will give you weekly updates on my blog and post pics on Instagram of my progress. I want to feel better everyday, I want to be able to get up and not feel sluggish and tired right off the bat. I want to go into my 40's feeling like I did in my early 30's...I know it can happen.

I am doing this...How about you?!!



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